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  • Miriam G.

    Los verdes is los BEST!!!! SERVICE- I always order take out so I can't speak on the sit down service, but my order is never taken wrong. They answer the phone friendly and quickly take my order with no confusion. When I go to pick up my order it's usually ready on time and I always get treated nicely. FOOD- BANGING, CRACK, DELICIOUS and did I mention BANGING!!! If your watching your waist line this is probably not the place for you. Even tho they do have some healthy options like the grilled chicken sandwich . But the bread and butter of this place is its fried pork, grilled steak, burgers, and BACON dishes. If your a burger fan you have too have their verdolaga burger. It's a nice juicy thick burger with ham, cole slaw, a piece of grilled chicken breast, crushed potatoe chips and BACON!! I know it sounds like too much but it all fits and works beautifully. The burger comes with a side order of fries which are also delicious. This whole meal for ten bucks (plus tax). Great bang for your buck and you won't feel hungry after. If I go over every delicious item on the menu this yelp will turn into a novel. Go check out Los verdes from their burgers to their quesadillas to their plantain sandwiches your taste buds won't be dissapointed!!

  • Rachel P.

    So many sauces! I Yum! Although most of these are mayonnaise-based or sweeter than my taste. I enjoyed my first delivery and look forward to going back.

  • Rosalyn C.

    Food is good, terrible service kills it for me! Waitress took our order and dissapear. No one ask how was the food, we had to keep looking around for any waitresses to ask for a cup of water. All 3 were chatting it up behind the counter. There was also a guy walking around that look extremely bored and not interested. Finally got up to counter to ask for the water and our check and, next to me was our waitress eating and chatting as well. I dont mind the fact tha she was eating her dinner but someone else should have cover her tables. It a restaurant with maybe 10 tables with 3 waitresses. No one should have to get up to ask for a cup of water. You are in the restaurant business, learn to have customer service skills and serve. SIMPLE

  • Jay R.

    Services sucks but if you love Colombian junk food then this is the spot. The hot dog is delicious, the quesadillas and the steak it was all pretty good . But the fact they include the tip on the bill got me like .. If it was a fancy restaurant okay but it's not so minus one for wacky service another minus for including tip

  • Yesenia G.

    Los Verdes is spectacular! I've been here a large amount of times and it hasn't let me down. For starters since I'm a regular here, I'm a huge fan of the staff, they are above and beyond friendly. They always cater to my every need. Apart from their excellent customer service, they have very very good food. The meats are fresh and the chicken have an amazing flavor. The fries are crispy and yellow, but soft as you take the first bit. I love it here. Apart from most of the things on the menu being delicious, it is also very freshly made. Nothing like these other Colombian burger places always preserved, frozen foods, it's gross. Los Verdes is nothing like that! It's also in good price range, just perfect for an after work dinner. Overall I have negative to say about this place, besides if you haven't been there, then you've never tried a real Colombian burger.

  • Milky M.

    Pretty good food the prices are not bad... Worth the wait, The steak is really good .... The burgers are good & insanely big .... The arepas are good, the sauce selection is pretty good, I like the pineapple sauce. The cookies & cream & dulce the leche shakes are good oh & the fries are pretty good too.

  • Andrew S.

    Anticipation is often felt for something new around the way, especially with the bit of hype floating around people saying they want to try the restaurant "hot" from Miami. The restaurant decor has a little bit of lounge touch to it with it's low volume beat of music, mix in with a diner like feel because of the leather like booth seating. The place is pretty cool. Depending on your angle, you can watch the televisions, one time the Knicks were playing and another a Spanish television show. And last weekend it was packed at night with no seating available. We order: ---Two Verdolaga, only one was for me, thanks. I would not say these burgers are humongous because I will save that vocabulary for a Man vs. Food encounter. But the burgers are pretty huge, for $10.49, I would expect it to be. The diameter of this bad boy is no different than the Angus burger at McDonald's. They stack this burger in layers is what makes it huge. In the soft sesame bun is a melted layer of mozzarella stuck to the top of the bun and under it are crumbled potato chips. Under this is a folded layer of ham. Under the ham is a juicy and tender (good flavored) piece of chicken. And under the layer of chicken is the inch thick 8oz "Natural" Angus burger patty. The 8oz beef patty burger part is very good, the first bite in was flavorful. The inside is less flavorful but juicy. The beef patty is meaty and well done, next time I will ask for it medium rare, wasn't thinking when ordering. Within the burger is shredded salad leaves scattered all over the place and a slice of tomato with a couple of wimpy (soggy and not well done) slices of bacon. This burger is like college food or someone who has a big appetite going experimental and mashing all their food cravings of each component into one. Over all this burger was good, nothing extraordinary but I give it somewhere in the middle of 3.5 and 4 stars. All the layers combined together made for a wonderfully gross combo. But it took away from it's quality if each layer was eaten separately, which I did try individually after I bit into it as a whole. ---The guacamole was off the hook, it was very flavorful, extremely strong in the garlic. I put this on everything. For $1.00 extra, it is worth it. ---The sauces were very good but nothing better than other sauces at other Columbian joints. ---I base a Columbian place by the main dishes, yes. I also base it by side dishes, yes. Just like you would base a Chinese place by it's basics: Lo-Mein or Egg Rolls, for example. But if you have Chicharron specifically (with Arepa) on the menu, I am ordering it. I will tell you if it's good or not because I have ordered it many many times from many places. And it is one of my favorite foods. My batch of Chicharron was pretty average. How can you mess up frying up fatty pork, not that Los Verdes messed it up. They do cut it up, I know some places that will serve the whole slab and it's harder to cut up a piece of Chicharron because frying it makes it dense. Basically, at Los Verdes the meat could have been softer (the meat was more dense than I like), it had just the right fat and the rind wasn't crisp but eatable, not too chewy. It's not over fried here but not the best I've had. ---Are the Papa Fritas the same as the ones that come with the burgers? I did not order the Papa Fritas. I am speaking of the ones that come with your burger, these fries are the crinkly kind from the freezer section. ---The milkshakes (strawberry) are not too thick and topped w. whipped cream. The ice cream flavor is present. It's not too sweat. Though the price isn't listed they are $3.99 plus tax each. I slurped -mine- down super fast, within a couple of minutes it's gone and I think it's very good. In it is a delicious green cherry, sort of the one you find on top birthday cakes. ---I was told the Todo Quesadilla is good ---I need water and a nap after eating and writing all this ---I would definitely order again and recommend but not every day

  • john l.

    I would give this place 3.5 stars some of the food is good some is not. Burgers are great very unhealthy tho but great. Quesadillas have too much cheese arepas are ok at most empanadas are the best! Good place good vibes always busy but prepare to wait atleast 25-30min for food and menu is very very overpriced and arepa with shirmp chicken meat beacon cost 15 dollars!!

  • Jamie A.

    If you want a bomb in your stomach this is the place to go. Everything is too heavy even the salad. Too expensive for what it is.

  • Annie R.

    Hawaiian Burger- the best burger I have ever had in my life. The staff were nice and attentive.

  • Isabel J.

    I tried maicitos and let me just say OMG it was delicious. Its kennel corn, crushed potato chips, chicken and some yummy sauce. I couldn't stop eating it even after I was full. I can't talk about the other food since I only tried one item. I will be coming back to try other stuff and to get another order of maisitos.

  • Ruben C.

    Los Verdes is the kind of food I used to eat when I was young and my metabolism was faster than a hipster grabbing his iphone to take a pic of their food when it arrives. Oh those were the days, Making homemade burgers then stuffing whatever I could find in the pantry and calling it cuisine. Yep,Los Verdes takes me back and charges me Manhattan prices for it. There's only two things I can really recommend here(we ordered a few things from the menu and was not impressed). The Burger is made very well but the overall taste of it is accompanied with additions like crumbled potato chips and some kind of sauce that looks like thousand island dressing which actually distracts from the burgers true flavor. A shame because under all that lettuce and stuff is a pretty damn good burger that's begging for some more reasonable and flavor friendly toppings. And as usual the burger is joined with a massive amount of fries. Haven't we evolved from this menu already? seriously people. it's always fries. The second thing I can recommend is the milk shake. It's tough to find a good milkshake around town. A town that insists a milkshake is just melted ice cream. Those fools. The decor of the restaurant is cozy and clean. The hours of operation are very accommodating and open till the wee hours of the morning. Perfect for Bar Hoppers and those hacky sack loving guys who live above me with all their BoB Marley music. I like the fact that so many sauces are included for you to try including an interesting pineapple sauce. I imagined sitting there mixing the sauces to create new flavors. Oh the MADNESS! but alas I care how I appear in public. I'll leave those experiments to those young whipper snappers with the fast metabolisms. The food takes a little long to prepare but it IS fresh and we're assuming you're here to hang out with your buddies so you're not in a rush. .in the end, I can't say I plan to go back to this place. The prices are just not for me and not neighborhood appropriate. If I wanted to pay Manhattan prices I'd go to Manhattan. This is Sunnyside, as much as they want to push this neighborhood as being a happening place it's still just a neighborhood where families will not afford to eat in a place like this on a regular basis. In response to the guy who mentioned me in another review for this place - See, i'm ok with Colombian cuisine and Colombian fast food. I didn't complain the burgers were served Colombian style I complained that the flavors just weren't there for the prices paid. I think my review gives a clear explanation that while the offering is fine and I did point out the pro's to this place, overall I'm not going to continue paying prices for food that doesn't blow me away. And if you don't think 8+ bucks for a hot dog with some crushed chips isn't expensive then there's nothing further to discuss..go right ahead and enjoy.

  • Riti C.

    Great food but terrible service!!! Order take out. If you sit down, you'll be so frustrated. These girls only get hired based on looks, definitely not skills.

  • Andrea P.

    I've been there on a couple of different occasions. The main thing i like about this place is there open super late. There service though sucks, some of the waitresses are rude as hell and take extra long to do anything. The food takes really long to come out and is not even hot. Last night I went with my best friend and she ordered an empanada which was clearly microwaved because it was steaming hot and the filling was ice cold. I ordered that patacon rellieno (stuffed tostone) and it was okay but my chicharon was dry as hell and drenched in oil and the guacamole that they charge extra for tasted pre-packaged. I guess your experience there varies on what you order so if your thinking of going choose wisely.

  • Jess M.

    Great place, I definitely recommend it. This place blows out all the competition on northern boulevard, grade A ingredients and a lot HEALTHIER than the other colombian FAST FOOD places. In Colombia this considered fast food. I also appreciate the time it takes to receive the food, goes to show you that they do start from scratch and do not use that frozen crap like most fast food places. The Hawaiian burger is my fave but if I'm not eating that, I go with the chicken quesdilla.

  • Michael C.

    The food was really good. I ordered the shrimp toston and it was delicious, although the service ruins your whole experience of "Colombian food" I wish there was a place where I can go and say oh I feel like "I'm in Colombia", not well served and not authentic food. Would order from this place again but either delivery or take out.

  • Jennifer L.

    This place has the best food!!! And it's super cheap! I had the patacon with chicharron, and it was amazing. My friend had a quesadilla and thought it was fantastic! I cannot wait to go back. Totally worth the trip and my money.

  • Daniela G.

    This. Is. The. Spot! Love coming here after school or before work. The burgers are hugeee & so full of flavor. Their salchipapas (fries with sausage) are delicious as well as their milkshakes. Great place to go on a quick date or just munch out with friends. Defiantly a regular at this place due to the fact that its close to my college & job.

  • Romy H.

    The hot dogs are amazing here, they are full of flavors and textures, not only that they are huge, so the enjoyment will last longer. Salchipapa is also a great choice, all the different kinds of sauces make everything taste even better ( try the garlic and the pineapple ones) Staff is pretty friendly and attentive.

  • Charley K.

    Maybe I went on the wrong day, because this place definitely did not live up to the hype. My parents and I stopped by on a Sunday night, and Los Verdes was packed and loud. This wouldn't be a bad thing if it didn't take us 15 minutes to get seated, and another hour to get our food after we ordered. I'll admit, the low prices and wide variety of dishes - burgers, hot dogs, quesadillas, patacon, you name it - is impressive, but what good is that when the flavor is so unmemorable. My chicken quesadilla was crispy and filling, but pretty bland compared to the other Mexican joints in Sunnyside. In addition, while they had plenty of sauces on the side, mostly Venezuelan I think, they all tasted more or less the same. Not good. While I can never complain about a place with dishes all under $10, this was a disappointment.

  • J Medina V.

    On point original from Colombia great Food and atmosphere. Great service and the food came out really quick. I will be coming back .

  • Victor P.

    The food is good, the waitress was kinda rude at some point but we didnt care. The only real complaint I have about this place is that we ask for some spicy salsa to put on our food and the salsa was meh, dull and flavorless.

  • Esteban S.

    Food is Amazing, people here are extremely nice. I would highly recommend this place. TVs everywhere to watch whichever game. Mike, you're the man.

  • Chachy S.

    Well, if you are just coming in for the food, then order to go, and call well in advance. It took almost an hour for my table to get the food. Our order wasn't even complicated, it was a hot dog, a salad and one of those corn dishes they serve. The corn dish and hot dog were pretty good, the salad was just ok plus they forgot to include a topping we ordered for the salad. The servers didn't even bother to come and apologize for the long wait. The layout of the place is a bit awkward, I know they are trying to maximize space and fit as many people as they can, but I wouldn't consider this place for a night out, is more of an I'm hungry, let's grab something to eat. Which is how we ended up here. There are much better places in the area for a nice dinner out.

  • Sadman R.

    1 hour wait Forgot 2/5 orders Ordered 4 steak platters they only brought 2 Ordered 3 hot dogs brought out 3 hamburgers After a whole hour wait

  • Julie P.

    I came to visit my friend and cousin that lives in town and they took me out to this Burger place I was so hungry that I could've eat 4 of this burgers lol ;) let me tell you this if you're in this area this is the place for burger. Their french fries was so delicious better than McDonald's ha ha Ha next time I'm in town visiting my friend on my cousin this will have my lunch no doubt. They also delivers for the local ones you don't want to leave the house just googled them or yelp them and you find their phone number for delivery :) enjoy and thank me later !

  • Kaylin M.

    Went here the other day with my sister and her girlfriend for lunch after work. Me and my sister decided to split two things, I got the todo arepa & she got a perrocarne. They give big portions of food. Todo arepa was quite good, especially when you add more quail eggs, but I expected more from the perrocarne, but it definitely wasn't bad at all. Then we got a brownie delight even though we were so full, which was a pretty rockin' dessert that I'm craving right now. The food wasn't to die for but I'd probably crave it once in awhile, so I'd definitely come again.

  • Tod R.

    Love this place! I was having a protean deficiency, and I desperately needed some good meat or just something healthy that wasn't sugar or carbs, so I came here because it was close. The food is great! Shredded beef is especially fantastic. Prices are also very fair. I will be back soon to try some interesting menu items.

  • Jassiel M.

    I just love their sauces. Their burgers are pretty good. I will deff keep going back when i can. I live very far and this place is worth the trip. Empanadas aren't so good neither is the hot sauce. Every other sauce is great though!

  • Christopher Z.

    I came here with my girlfriend a while back. I won't ever regret coming here, I had the best hot dogs ever. service was good, food was very satisfying . I will surely return again.

  • Gary L.

    "Wow that sh*t was good!", those were the words that kept coming out my mouth throughout the drive home. A buddy of mine who's from this area has been telling me about Los Verdes, Los Verdes non-stop over the past month so I finally gave it a shot today and it did not disappoint! The food looks and taste a whole lot better in person so please don't judge by the photos. Food - The Verdolaga burger is a beastly burger! This came to me as a real big surprise because it consist of a few things I usually hate. 1. Sesame burger bun - I generally hate most sesame buns but at Los Verdes it works. It wasn't your commonly found cheap burger buns from Deli and Grill spots or Fast Food joints. The quality of the bun was great. Firm and toasty. 2. Chicken breast - Ask any asian, most of us hate white meat unless you're a fitness/health fanatic. We like our legs and thighs. By now, you're probably asking yourself "What? a Chicken burger?" and the answer is nope! That's not all! I usually dislike eating chicken breast. I don't mind eating it but I won't enjoy it. In this case, the chicken breast in this burger works! Chicken breast was nice and tender, not over cooked, and not super dry. 3. Ham - I like ham but was never too crazy about it this case, it works! 4. Burger Patty - Excellent. Nicely cooked (I asked for Medium), Juicy patty, great flavor. 5. Bacon - Self-Explanatory. Bacon is bacon, that stuff is crack! Nuff said. All topped with pebble size chips which I like to refer to as "sprinkled crack", mozzarella cheese and cole slaw! Now is that a burger or what?! It also comes with wavy fries which I also usually hate because it reminds me of crappy soggy school and white castle fries. But the fries here were actually legit! Golden crispy fries! We also ordered a chicken quesadilla which was also great. They weren't cheap with the cheese and it was also topped with sprinkled crack. Freakin delicious! Drinks - Ordered a Blackberry juice w/ no ice. Good taste, didn't taste watered down. Service - Excellent. Our waitress was very friendly and fast with our order. Verdict - By far the cleanest restaurant I've been to in long time in this part of Queens. Freakin place looked spotless. The restroom was super clean and even had a TV in there. There are plenty of flat screen TV's that run along the walls in the restaurant. If you haven't been to Los Verdes yet, make sure you bookmark it and order their Verdologa burger. You will have an orgasmic experience running through your mouth! I'm putting this burger on top of my list. As of now, this is my favorite burger of all time.

  • Juan C.

    This place awesome! The food is fantastic, the decor is great and the service is on point. They use fresh ingredients and have a bevy of sauces made in-house. The menu has something for everyone. Cant say enough about the food.

  • Hey H.

    Been wanting to try this for a while because all my friends on Instagram always come here and now I think I've hopped on to the obsession! Portion are huge! Prices great! TASTE EVEN BETTER!! they give you these sauces tray and I am obsessed with them!!

  • Diana C.

    Hmm, okay.. so they improved quite a bit. I had the same thing I had the first week they opened: quesadilla de pollo (chicken quesadilla). & I tried the cookies 'n cream milkshake too. The quesadilla wasn't drowning in their sauce this time & they cut up my quesadilla in edible portions. The cookies 'n cream milkshake had a green cherry on do they do that?? ._. But it was delicioso. This time, we weren't given a waitress that would keep asking how things were. Which disturbed our convos at first. This waitress was just fine though. Forget about counting calories here, just eat. Nom nom nom~ Oh, & I just realized they're Christian. They have a Bible verse on the receipt, which I think is pretty cool. One star taken off for having an odd playlist of songs. Another star taken off because it must be earned! You have a chance to redeem yourself, Los Verdes! Si se puede!

  • Anne L.

    This place has everything you could ever ask for. Our server Kevin was amazing and very attentive. It's so cool how they are open until 5am my brother didn't believe me and thought I was taking him to a club haha. Love this place

  • Ruth S.

    Wonderful homemade hamburger! Busy place, but it's worth It. Try the burger with the pink sauce and do not forget to Try the green sauce! Good price!

  • Lucia Q.

    The food was good. The service bad. They advertised Thursdays of salsa music but it wasnt, they also had bachata and merengue. There was no information on the different sauces and they didn't have hot sauce.

  • Johana C.

    Gotta love this place! I'm Colombian and I can proudly say that they know how to make the best Colombian fast food ever I love it! The service is nice and the food amazing!

  • Natalia R.

    This place is really tasty if you like modern spanish food and sauces. The food is nothing too crazy or authentic (no platters) but it is spanish food, I wouldn't say fast food, a little more upscale than that, but still casual enough. I've been twice and the staff was warm and welcoming both times. Again, the sauces are DELICIOUS! And prices are very decent. Overall this is a great place for a nice tasty but still casual lunch or dinner.

  • Vilma G.

    I finally tried this place. The food amazing. The service was fast and the waiter was very nice. I can't wait to come back with my friends.

  • Andrea F.

    I was in the hunt for a Colombian Hot Dog and this is when I found Los Verdes. The staff was friendly, the decor was pleasant and they had a pretty extensive Colombian Menu. They offered massive hotdogs, potatoes and sausages, huuuge burgers, empanadas and plantains. I ordered the basic hotdog and it was massive... I ordered it with chorizo, but I think the traditional wiener would have been a better option. I also tried the empanadas which were not a disappointment along with a "Colombiana" pop! So, If you do not care for your calorie consumption, I would recommend for you to visit Los Verdes and be ready to eat 2000 calories in one meal - Totally worthy!! Tip of the day: If you have never eaten the Colombian Hot dog before, make sure to add the coleslaw, the mayo, the pineapple sauce and every single dressing to your hot dog!

  • Estilomina P.

    I give credit where it's due and I've eaten here twice since my last review ...very happy with the consistency, super fresh ingredients and the funny, jolly atmosphere is nice as well. By the way the service is always on point. Bravo Los Verdes!

  • C M.

    It wasn't bad but not great. Ordered a side of fries, they arrived 10 minutes before everything else which meant they where finished when the quesadillas arrived, enjoyed the sauces but not much else, server was under a lot of pressure and did his best to serve everyone in a timely fashion.

  • NY C.

    The only reason I didn't give this place 5 stars is because they take a long time to make the food. HOWEVER, the food is delicious! My friends ordered burgers and I had the cheese quesadilla. This is definitely food you want to eat in, as I have heard that delivery is not as good. FRESH food, and easily my favorite quesadilla spot in NYC. Almost better than the actual food is all the sauces you can try!!! Make sure you try all of the ones on your table- mindblowingly delicious, and sure to give your meal an extra kick! The place was clean, service is prompt, and the food is savory and unique. Fresh taste.. make sure you're not counting your calories here, easily fattening ;) I would come back whenever I could!

  • Jor-El G.

    EVERYONE knows that this place is my absolute obsession in Miami and how distraught I was when I moved to New York City knowing that I would not be near one. The Gods heard my plea and thus, this Los Verdes location was born. Ofcourseeee I could not miss the grand opening so I reserved a zip car, picked up my friend (a fellow Verdes enthusiast), and we were off to Colombian fast food land. They were giving away free coronas all night for the grand opening but I barely had time to enjoy them before excitedly ordering my quesadilla. It was exactly like it is in Miami. Huge, filled with cheese, huge chunks of chicken, and covered in marvelous crushed potato chips and pink sauce. Also tried the chicken arepa which was amazing in its own right. I could not be more satisfied and excited to be able to eat at my favorite joint again even 2,000 miles away!

  • Paula R.

    This place is the worst i use to love it don't know what happend to it??? I went before the food was all cold, Order for delivery they kept forgetting things. Today i went back with my family brough a friend that lives an hout away just to try the hawaian hamburger that i like and fitst the waiter blonde hair i don't think she is colombian she comes i ask her if they have milo she looks at me like am retarted and than i order something showing her the picture she acted stuped than my friend order a hambrrguer i did as well and she gave the food to 2 other tables that got there after us our food took for ever my husband's steak was horrible my hamburguer never came the stuped girl comes back to us saying she is sorry that she is not going to charge us wth are you serious than on top of that she kept coming back to us asking if everything is ok really i am never going back again very bad....i went today at 5 to 5:30 some blonde girl was working there alone..

  • Sunnyside L.

    I have to entirely disagree with Ruben here. Going to a place that specializes in Colombian style fast food and then complaining about the burger being served Colombian style is kind of ridiculous. The "thousand island" dressing and the rest of the toppings that he complains about IS what makes this place special - all dishes are served Colombian style. Colombian style is: ketchup, mustard, salsa rosada, mayonnaise, pineapple sauce and crumbled potato chips. Yeah, its not good for you. While the food is definitely NOT for the diet-conscious, it is incredibly tasty. It is NOT expensive. Yes, I can get a cheaper quesadilla at a Tex Mex/Chinese place down the street, but the quesadilla you get here is like 4 times the size (more than enough for 2 people to share) and does taste better. Same goes with pretty much the rest of the food here. I had the double hot dog which was GINORMOUS and I don't think it cost me more than $8. Again, don't expect high end, healthy food here. Prices land somewhere in between a true fast food restaurant and a diner. Actually, so does the time it takes to get your order. While it bills itself as a fast food place, it isn't really. Time wise it is in between a fast food place and a diner. But it is a unique place. The renovation is great, and if you don't mind adding a few extra pounds for dinner (or late night - the place is open until 6am!) then this is a great place to go or order out from. Oh, and the juices here are really good. I suggest the mura (i think that's what it was called).

  • Gabriel A.

    Food is good (but repetitive), sauces help, the guy who takes your order over the phone needs some home training and is an asshole...

  • Edwin F.

    Food was great!!! It's simply different. Don't be afraid to try this style of Colombian food. Only flaw, waitress wasn't the best. Really nice, but service takes away a star. And food took a bit to come out , BUT well worth the wait. Come here after a night out, after a few drinks and u want something you can sink your teeth into and use plenty of napkins, it gets deliciously messy!!

  • Katherin G.

    I loooove burgers. Decided to give it a try after hearing the good comments about this place and since then APRIL 2013 I haven't found a place better than this!!

  • Maravillosa G.

    This Restaurant is new in the neighborhood, so I was curious and visited with my husband recently. First of all it was very hot there was no air conditioning not even a fan. My Caesar salad was awful, it was completely cover with croutons lots of lettuce but it was missing the rest of the vegetables like nions,cucumbers,raddish,peppers,olives, etc. My Husband's burger was not the best either, the french fried were soggy they look and tasted like the frozen type. Los Verdes will not see me again.

  • Jen R.

    Great food. Very filling.

  • Alea G.

    I'm addicted to their carne burgers. They are delicious. I order them for delivery all the time. I docked a star because they are pricey!

  • Kat T.

    Yummy food, nice atmosphere, nice staff. I come here with my friends occasionally, and the service is consistently good.

  • Jeff B.

    I'm a little conflicted about this place because I enjoyed my double hotdog and the brownie with ice cream for dessert, and I enjoyed the upbeat music and look of the place, but then my girlfriend ended up being sick for a whole day after eating a chicken quesadilla here. I took a bite of it and didn't feel sick, and thought it tasted pretty good. Nevertheless, I was leaning toward four stars myself, but have to knock it down a peg because my girlfriend's experience.

  • Doz T.

    Pleasant looking Place, with different vibe going on. Just opened and looks like a fun place to hang out. Can't wait to try out some food. Drinking my Shake now, and will post my full review later of how it went down!!


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